Saturday, August 20, 2011


sakai duh satu budak ni...

I don't know his problem at first, cause I don't pay attention to him when I'm doing my test.
it's actually open book test and somehow I ask teacher if idk what the heck the question is about, I even ask some of my friends, idk how to say it's not like a real exam...wtv it is WE'RE NOT CHEATING BUT JUST DISCUSSING.

When I'm writing the answer, I saw Jha took KS paper, and show to Kenneth. KS tought Jha want to tear his paper so he stood up and run like a wind to Jha, what's make me mad is when he stood up, he pushed his chair toward my table AND THAT REALLY DISTURBING.... then I look up to see what hell up is going on.
KS rampas his paper and tried to hit Jha BUT HE FAILED ! WHAT A PATHETIC LOSER . luckily Jha squad down when KS tried to hit her... After that I pushed KS chair to his tables, damn annoying man! --'
After a while, some of my classmates ask what was going on. So Jha told them, but idk why suddenly KS try to throw his pencil, and the pencil nearly hit me. BENGANG GILE WEH ! org tgh buat math, dh dpt how to solve it suddenly hilang mcm tuu je cuz KS kacau. >.< so I jerit kat dia 'WEH KO KNP DOE?" he was shocked and he picked up his pencil and return to his place and started to cry =.=

huh ! tension2.... >.<

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